
EKTOMORF so s svojo zmesjo thrasha, hardcora in tradicionalne ciganske glasbe in z energičnimi, razbijaškimi živimi nastopi doživeli široko priznanje in uspeh ter postali ne le najslavnejša madžarska metal skupina, ampak tudi ena vodilnih zasedb v svojem žanru. Ektomorf podirajo vse zidove in združujejo ljudi od najmanjših klubov do največjih festivalov.

EKTOMORF‘s mix of thrash, hardcore and traditional gipsy music got recognized by many, and success was provided by their legendary energetic and destructive stage performances – wich made Ektomorf not only the most famous Hungarian metal-act, but also one of the leading artist in their genre. Ektomorf break down all the walls and unite people from the smallest clubs to the biggest festivals.
