Z bivšimi in sedanjimi člani The Exploited, Black Bomb-A in The Real McKenzies v zasedbi CERTAIN DEATH zažigajo na odrih po Veliki Britaniji, Evropi in Skandinaviji že od leta 2002. S svojo edinstveno kombinacijo thrash’n’rolla, slapstick humorja, masivnih rifov in zafrkantskeg pristopa spadajo v sam vrh bendov, ki jih je treba doživeti v živo.
Featuring members and ex-members of The Exploited, Black Bomb-A and The Real McKenzies, CERTAIN DEATH have been tearin’ up venues and festivals throughout the UK, Europe and Scandinavia since 2002. Their unique brand of ‘Rap, Thrash n Roll’ combined with slapstick humour, massive riffs and good time attitude has made their live performances legendary.